Still Have Questions?

Choose a question below. We’ve provided you with some answers to help you get covered in minutes.

When will my debit order go off?

The debit order will be on the date you have selected on the application.

How is the premium calculated?

3SixtyLife has fixed premiums on all products.

Are members covered outside of South Africa?


What is the maximum cover amount that I can get?

R31,800 is the maximum cover amount.

Can I add or remove members?

Yes, you can. However, please note that when a new member is added under your policy, there will be a six-month waiting period.

If I move from another group will there be waiting periods?
If the group scheme is from the same underwriter, then no waiting period will apply.
Can I have group scheme policies for my business?
Can I belong to a group scheme at my work and church?
If you need help, do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.
Phone: 0861 666 335